Thursday 16 July 2009

Allotment in the sun again. One month on. I've tried hard this year weeding. I decided that the best way in the beds was to really not give them a chance. We managed to go away for a week last week and was still in control when we returned.

I did let the grass seed though. It grew while hay fever kept me away. I think next year I'm going to do away with the idea of keeping any wild areas close to the cultivated parts. So will go for more paving - if i can find it and more weed suppression membrane. I don't think nature will worry too much, the allotments on the edge of town and there's plenty of nettles elsewhere.

This is my Favourite bed. Is it more luck or knowhow that it looks so full and healthy? Anyway every things growing well. Parsnips in the foreground, beetroot, Parsley, marigolds, chard, fennel (more Photos of that below)

I decided to dig up the potatoes - this photo is taken half way through while I had a bit of a breather. certainly got more out than I planted which is one measure of success. Hope they'll store ok. We ate a few at the start of the week and were pretty tasty, though had a bit of scab on them so had to peel them. I was planning to dig up a few at a time to start with but with all the rain forecast and having this week off work I decided to get them all out in one go.

This must be about the Most Photographed Fennel ever - Its the highlight of my favourite bed. Some of it is just about ready for eating. These were planted with a bit of secession so hopefully will be able to pull them up gradually over the next 2 months.

Onions will be ready in a few weeks too. Planning on planting some overwintering ones this autumn to get some early next summer.

Monster Courgette plants. Hard to believe that the slugs almost ate them, though they are now going after the courgettes! With luck though will have some to eat in a few days time.

I planted these through membrane on soil that had become pretty weedy. I just dug the weeds in with a bit of compost and haven't seen anything of them since - I'm expecting that by next year any weeds will be long gone.

1 comment:

  1. eSorry that this is probably not the best place for these but I couldn't find a contact address.

    I'm sure you must be aware of the problems experienced by allotment holders last year due to the use of manure contaminated by a persitent herbicide called aminopyralid. Information has been collated about this problem from the links on this page
    Just to update on the latest re aminopyralid contamination in case you would like to provide updates on your website or to allotment holders in your area.

    The latest infomation re manure contamination is posted on my website here
    I have also sent out a email for circulation by everyone I know that has been affected which is here which you may find useful to circulate to allotment holders in your area.

    It is particularly important that gardeners be aware of the need for caution when obtaining manure in light of the fact that the government are now considering reinstating the licence that was temporarily suspended last year. As this is a concern to many gardeners you may wish to publicise an a epetition that has been started here

    I am posting updates as I get them on my blog just on case you want to keep a watching brief.
